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mover wearing gloves with arms on cardboard box giving thumbs up

Moving Day Etiquette: What Your Long-Distance Movers Want You to Know

Relocating can be stressful for you, your kids, and your pets — everyone but your long-distance moving company. However, even though we’re professionally trained to load up trucks with your possessions and move them safely from one location to the next, there are some things you can do to make sure your move is easier for everyone involved:

Stay Close… But Not Too Close

On moving day, there are a few things to keep in mind while your movers work:

  • Keep kids and pets clear of the area. Trained movers with heavy boxes may pose a danger to your loved ones. Keep them clear of the work zone.
  • Stay out of their way — but don’t disappear. Stay in the area in case your movers have questions. This will allow them to make the day as quick and hassle-free as possible.
  • Don’t try to help unless otherwise instructed to. Professional movers are trained to work fast, and this involves constant communication with other trained professionals. This means that trying to help may only slow them down. Plus, some items are heavier than they appear — your moving team doesn’t want to put your safety at risk during the move.

Have Everything as “Ready-To-Go” as Possible

Whether your moving company has given you a moving day checklist or not, there are a few steps you can take to make things run as smoothly as possible when your movers arrive.

Some companies offer packing services, but this is something you’ll need to have set up in advance. If you opt not to include this service in your move, you’ll need to pack your own items. Make sure you’re all packed up before the crew arrives so that you’re not trying to finish up while they’re there.

Many customers prefer to move fragile items, electronics, and select other items themselves. This is just fine! However, make sure to put everything that you don’t want your movers to transport in another area of the house or a room that’s specifically “off-limits” for the purposes of the move. Have questions as to what you’ll need to handle on your own? Read up on what you shouldn’t pack on the moving truck.

Provide Your Movers With Easy Access

There are a few ways to help your move stay efficient:

  • Save them a convenient spot to park their truck(s)
  • Provide them free access to your entire home (i.e., don’t make them tiptoe around moving boxes or furniture to access things)

When the moving truck pulls up, there should be a clear path in your home to every box, item, and piece of furniture that needs to be transported. Packing trucks can be very strategic, so your movers need to be able to reach the right things at the right times.

Don’t Forget to Tip Your Movers!

When the move is over, you’ll want to tip your movers in addition to paying your bill. Remember, their skill and hard work are the keys to a successful move, so it’s always good to show your gratitude to them!

When figuring out how much to tip movers, it’s customary to add around 10% to the total bill and split the tip up between every member of the team. Also, moving is hard work! Snacks and drinks are always appreciated, but these types of extras are completely optional.

Make Your Move Stress-Free With Dan The Mover

Now that you’re familiar with the key points of moving day etiquette, it’s time to choose a mover for your next long-distance move. At Dan The Mover, we provide full-service moves that make this stressful day one you might even look forward to! We’re the team you can trust — contact us today for more information!

Dan The Mover